details: 'blight on my battle net'

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General information

Mini Map


team 1
Random» OrcDreadKnight187 (pink | 30 APM | 1384 actions | 45:53)
Hero icon 6 Blademaster
Ability icon 3 Critical Strike
Ability icon 3 Wind Walk
Hero icon 3 Tauren Chieftain
Ability icon 2 Endurance Aura
Ability icon 1 War Stomp

» actions
Basic commands11
Build / train100
Enter build submenu39
Enter hero's abilities submenu9
Give item / drop item2
Right click639
Select / deselect466
Use ability118
1384 total
» units
Wind Rider5
Troll Batrider10
64 total
» upgrades
Berserker Strength1
Reinforced Defenses1
Envenomed Spears1
Ranged Weapons3
Liquid Fire1
Spiked Barricades2
12 total
» buildings
Orc Burrow7
Altar of Storms3
Voodoo Lounge1
War Mill1
Great Hall3
Watch Tower17
38 total
» build order
00:08 Orc Burrow
00:11 Altar of Storms
01:36 Voodoo Lounge
01:46 Barracks
02:01 Orc Burrow
02:22 Orc Burrow
03:13 Stronghold
04:43 War Mill
05:23 Orc Burrow
07:01 Great Hall
07:37 Fortress
07:42 Beastiary
09:50 Beastiary
09:53 Beastiary
10:34 Orc Burrow
10:36 Orc Burrow
16:32 Watch Tower
16:35 Watch Tower
16:37 Watch Tower
17:14 Watch Tower
17:16 Watch Tower
17:41 Watch Tower
31:28 Great Hall
31:51 Watch Tower
31:53 Watch Tower
31:54 Watch Tower
31:56 Watch Tower
32:02 Great Hall
32:11 Watch Tower
32:30 Watch Tower
33:10 Watch Tower
33:19 Watch Tower
33:34 Watch Tower
33:37 Watch Tower
34:15 Watch Tower
44:44 Altar of Storms
44:53 Altar of Storms
45:05 Orc Burrow
» items
Healing Salve2
Boots of Speed1
Orb of Lightning2
Scroll of Town Portal1
Scroll of Speed1
Potion of Healing1
Dust of Appearance2
Periapt of Vitality1
11 total
UndeadGironEC (green | 64 APM | 2779 actions | 43:11)
Hero icon 6 Death Knight
Ability icon 3 Death Coil
Ability icon 3 Unholy Aura
Hero icon 5 Lich
Ability icon 3 Frost Nova
Ability icon 2 Frost Armor

» actions
Assign group hotkey10
Basic commands6
Build / train46
ESC pressed1
Enter build submenu22
Enter hero's abilities submenu11
Right click1363
Select / deselect415
Select group hotkey835
Use ability70
2779 total
» units
Crypt Fiend4
Frost Wyrm4
22 total
» upgrades
Creature Carapace2
Freezing Breath1
Creature Attack1
6 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness1
Tomb of Relics1
Nerubian Tower1
Halls of the Dead1
Black Citadel1
Sacrificial Pit1
21 total
» build order
02:25 Altar of Darkness
02:31 Ziggurat
03:09 Crypt
03:22 Graveyard
03:35 Ziggurat
03:57 Tomb of Relics
03:59 Nerubian Tower
06:51 Halls of the Dead
07:06 Ziggurat
09:23 Black Citadel
09:25 Sacrificial Pit
11:19 Ziggurat
13:13 Boneyard
13:19 Boneyard
14:27 Ziggurat
14:29 Ziggurat
15:00 Ziggurat
19:34 Ziggurat
21:54 Ziggurat
21:57 Ziggurat
22:00 Ziggurat
» items
Rod of Necromancy1
Scroll of Town Portal1
2 total
Random» OrcLacey (purple | 16 APM | 1113 actions | 68:46)
Hero icon 6 Shadow Hunter
Ability icon 2 Serpent Ward
Ability icon 2 Healing Wave
Ability icon 1 Hex
Ability icon 1 Big Bad Voodoo

» actions
Assign group hotkey26
Basic commands55
Build / train76
Enter build submenu34
Enter hero's abilities submenu6
Remove unit from queue2
Right click305
Select / deselect281
Select group hotkey246
Use ability81
1113 total
» units
Troll Witch Doctor4
54 total
» upgrades
Shaman Training2
Melee Weapons2
Reinforced Defenses1
Witch Doctor Training2
11 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow14
War Mill1
Watch Tower9
Spirit Lodge1
Great Hall1
Tauren Totem2
32 total
» build order
00:13 Altar of Storms
00:17 Orc Burrow
00:56 Barracks
02:02 War Mill
02:22 Orc Burrow
03:29 Watch Tower
03:36 Watch Tower
03:52 Orc Burrow
04:49 Watch Tower
04:52 Watch Tower
05:39 Stronghold
07:28 Orc Burrow
09:25 Fortress
09:51 Spirit Lodge
11:59 Great Hall
12:05 Watch Tower
12:19 Watch Tower
13:40 Watch Tower
13:50 Orc Burrow
13:58 Watch Tower
14:36 Tauren Totem
14:41 Tauren Totem
14:53 Watch Tower
15:34 Orc Burrow
17:02 Orc Burrow
18:23 Orc Burrow
19:31 Orc Burrow
20:31 Orc Burrow
21:29 Orc Burrow
23:28 Orc Burrow
24:35 Orc Burrow
25:30 Orc Burrow
HumanLookingSoCrazy (red | 66 APM | 5218 actions | 79:03)
Hero icon 9 Archmage
Ability icon 3 Summon Water Elemental
Ability icon 3 Brilliance Aura
Ability icon 1 Mass Teleport
Ability icon 2 Blizzard

» actions
Assign group hotkey396
Basic commands260
Build / train153
Enter build submenu91
Enter hero's abilities submenu10
Give item / drop item6
Remove unit from queue3
Right click1746
Select / deselect703
Select group hotkey1519
Use ability330
5218 total
» units
Gryphon Rider12
Dragonhawk Rider10
Flying Machine4
48 total
» upgrades
Magic Sentry1
Lumber Harvesting2
Storm Hammers1
Animal War Training1
17 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Arcane Vault3
Lumber Mill2
Town Hall5
Scout Tower73
Guard Tower32
Arcane Sanctum1
Arcane Tower7
Gryphon Aviary3
149 total
» build order
01:00 Altar of Kings
01:03 Barracks
01:11 Farm
01:13 Farm
01:16 Farm
02:37 Farm
03:22 Keep
03:22 Keep
03:23 Keep
03:23 Keep
03:37 Arcane Vault
04:21 Lumber Mill
04:37 Farm
05:53 Town Hall
05:56 Scout Tower
05:57 Scout Tower
05:58 Scout Tower
05:59 Scout Tower
06:04 Scout Tower
06:07 Scout Tower
06:08 Scout Tower
06:09 Scout Tower
06:10 Scout Tower
06:17 Blacksmith
06:19 Blacksmith
06:29 Guard Tower
06:49 Guard Tower
07:04 Arcane Sanctum
07:20 Guard Tower
07:22 Guard Tower
07:37 Guard Tower
07:39 Guard Tower
08:13 Scout Tower
08:57 Scout Tower
09:01 Scout Tower
09:02 Scout Tower
09:05 Arcane Tower
09:12 Scout Tower
09:48 Castle
09:48 Castle
11:14 Guard Tower
11:15 Arcane Tower
11:19 Arcane Tower
13:06 Gryphon Aviary
13:06 Gryphon Aviary
13:07 Gryphon Aviary
13:48 Farm
13:50 Farm
13:56 Farm
13:57 Farm
13:57 Farm
14:15 Scout Tower
14:16 Scout Tower
14:17 Scout Tower
14:18 Scout Tower
14:20 Scout Tower
14:21 Scout Tower
14:22 Scout Tower
14:24 Scout Tower
14:24 Scout Tower
14:25 Scout Tower
14:58 Guard Tower
15:55 Guard Tower
15:57 Guard Tower
15:59 Guard Tower
17:14 Arcane Vault
18:40 Lumber Mill
30:55 Scout Tower
30:55 Scout Tower
30:55 Scout Tower
30:56 Scout Tower
32:33 Arcane Tower
32:45 Scout Tower
32:45 Scout Tower
32:45 Scout Tower
32:46 Scout Tower
32:46 Scout Tower
33:13 Guard Tower
33:13 Guard Tower
33:13 Guard Tower
33:14 Guard Tower
33:15 Guard Tower
33:15 Guard Tower
33:15 Guard Tower
33:15 Guard Tower
33:18 Scout Tower
33:18 Scout Tower
33:19 Scout Tower
33:19 Scout Tower
33:21 Town Hall
33:49 Guard Tower
33:51 Scout Tower
33:52 Scout Tower
33:52 Scout Tower
34:59 Town Hall
35:01 Scout Tower
35:02 Scout Tower
35:02 Scout Tower
35:02 Scout Tower
35:03 Scout Tower
35:03 Scout Tower
35:03 Scout Tower
35:04 Scout Tower
35:08 Scout Tower
35:09 Scout Tower
35:10 Scout Tower
35:11 Scout Tower
35:11 Scout Tower
35:46 Arcane Tower
35:51 Arcane Tower
36:08 Arcane Tower
36:15 Guard Tower
36:40 Guard Tower
38:38 Town Hall
38:40 Scout Tower
38:40 Scout Tower
38:40 Scout Tower
38:41 Scout Tower
38:43 Scout Tower
38:43 Scout Tower
38:44 Scout Tower
38:45 Scout Tower
39:09 Guard Tower
39:14 Scout Tower
39:15 Scout Tower
39:15 Scout Tower
39:32 Guard Tower
39:39 Guard Tower
40:50 Guard Tower
42:20 Town Hall
42:26 Scout Tower
42:26 Scout Tower
42:38 Scout Tower
42:38 Scout Tower
42:40 Scout Tower
42:40 Scout Tower
42:46 Scout Tower
42:46 Scout Tower
42:50 Scout Tower
42:56 Guard Tower
43:41 Guard Tower
45:30 Workshop
46:04 Guard Tower
46:53 Arcane Vault
52:33 Guard Tower
» items
Scroll of Regeneration7
Potion of Healing6
Scroll of Town Portal4
Potion of Mana1
Periapt of Vitality5
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability1
Mechanical Critter2
26 total
team 2
Random» OrcLight_Unknown (yellow | 72 APM | 5707 actions | 79:02)
Hero icon 8 Blademaster
Ability icon 3 Critical Strike
Ability icon 3 Wind Walk
Ability icon 1 Bladestorm
Ability icon 1 Mirror Image
Hero icon 1 Shadow Hunter
Ability icon 1 Hex
Hero icon 1 Far Seer
Ability icon 1 Far Sight

» actions
Basic commands3
Build / train135
Enter build submenu90
Enter hero's abilities submenu10
Give item / drop item2
Remove unit from queue4
Right click3904
Select / deselect1123
Use ability431
5707 total
» units
Troll Witch Doctor2
Troll Batrider10
79 total
» upgrades
Berserker Strength1
Shaman Training2
Witch Doctor Training2
Reinforced Defenses1
Melee Weapons1
Ranged Weapons1
Spiked Barricades1
12 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms3
Orc Burrow15
Voodoo Lounge2
Great Hall6
War Mill5
Spirit Lodge3
Watch Tower37
Tauren Totem2
88 total
» build order
00:06 Altar of Storms
00:16 Orc Burrow
00:41 Barracks
01:30 Orc Burrow
02:08 Voodoo Lounge
02:56 Stronghold
02:57 Stronghold
02:57 Stronghold
03:52 Orc Burrow
04:33 Great Hall
04:56 War Mill
08:49 Fortress
08:50 Spirit Lodge
08:53 Spirit Lodge
09:16 Orc Burrow
09:21 Watch Tower
09:24 Watch Tower
10:36 Watch Tower
10:38 Watch Tower
11:13 Tauren Totem
11:46 Watch Tower
11:48 Watch Tower
12:22 Tauren Totem
13:14 Orc Burrow
16:19 Watch Tower
16:20 Watch Tower
16:47 Altar of Storms
16:48 Orc Burrow
17:28 Beastiary
17:29 Beastiary
17:31 Beastiary
17:49 Watch Tower
17:51 Watch Tower
17:52 Watch Tower
19:34 Watch Tower
19:58 Watch Tower
21:38 Watch Tower
21:40 Watch Tower
24:34 Orc Burrow
25:05 Orc Burrow
26:01 Great Hall
26:05 Great Hall
29:10 Great Hall
29:40 War Mill
30:59 Orc Burrow
31:02 Orc Burrow
31:44 Watch Tower
31:47 Watch Tower
32:03 Watch Tower
32:10 Watch Tower
33:04 Watch Tower
33:06 Watch Tower
33:11 Watch Tower
33:13 Watch Tower
35:27 Watch Tower
35:29 Watch Tower
35:31 Watch Tower
35:33 Watch Tower
37:12 Great Hall
37:17 Watch Tower
37:20 Watch Tower
37:22 Watch Tower
38:49 Watch Tower
38:51 Watch Tower
38:52 Watch Tower
38:54 Stronghold
40:44 Watch Tower
40:46 Watch Tower
40:48 Watch Tower
41:10 Altar of Storms
42:16 Beastiary
42:17 Beastiary
42:19 Beastiary
42:21 Beastiary
42:24 Spirit Lodge
42:26 Watch Tower
44:35 War Mill
44:39 War Mill
44:58 Orc Burrow
44:59 Orc Burrow
45:01 Orc Burrow
45:05 Great Hall
45:09 War Mill
46:24 Voodoo Lounge
53:17 Orc Burrow
60:13 Orc Burrow
» items
Healing Salve1
Orb of Lightning1
Potion of Mana1
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability6
Scroll of Town Portal3
Staff of Teleportation1
Potion of Healing1
Scroll of Regeneration1
Scroll of Healing4
19 total
Random» OrcFritzThePanda (teal | 52 APM | 655 actions | 12:41)
Hero icon 3 Far Seer
Ability icon 2 Feral Spirit
Ability icon 1 Far Sight

» actions
Assign group hotkey45
Basic commands7
Build / train30
Enter build submenu10
Enter hero's abilities submenu3
Remove unit from queue1
Right click280
Select / deselect178
Select group hotkey68
Use ability33
655 total
» units
Wind Rider4
17 total
» upgrades
Melee Weapons1
Berserker Strength1
Ranged Weapons1
5 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow5
Voodoo Lounge1
War Mill1
12 total
» build order
00:18 Altar of Storms
00:24 Orc Burrow
00:40 Barracks
01:28 Orc Burrow
03:12 Voodoo Lounge
03:32 Stronghold
04:31 War Mill
06:05 Fortress
06:16 Beastiary
06:22 Orc Burrow
08:27 Orc Burrow
09:51 Orc Burrow
» items
Healing Salve1
1 total
OrcBLACK_QBS_SUCK (orange | 55 APM | 3755 actions | 68:41)
Hero icon 7 Blademaster
Ability icon 3 Wind Walk
Ability icon 3 Critical Strike
Ability icon 1 Bladestorm
Hero icon 1 Shadow Hunter
Ability icon 1 Hex
Hero icon 1 Far Seer
Ability icon 1 Far Sight

» actions
Assign group hotkey189
Basic commands80
Build / train78
Enter build submenu22
Enter hero's abilities submenu9
Give item / drop item8
Remove unit from queue1
Right click1404
Select / deselect429
Select group hotkey1177
Use ability357
3755 total
» units
Wind Rider4
Troll Witch Doctor2
Troll Batrider5
23 total
» upgrades
Ranged Weapons2
Reinforced Defenses1
Envenomed Spears1
Liquid Fire1
Witch Doctor Training2
8 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow5
War Mill3
Voodoo Lounge1
Watch Tower23
Spirit Lodge1
40 total
» build order
00:08 Altar of Storms
00:20 Orc Burrow
00:41 War Mill
01:32 Voodoo Lounge
01:54 Watch Tower
02:11 Watch Tower
02:51 Watch Tower
03:21 Stronghold
03:38 Watch Tower
03:46 Watch Tower
03:56 Watch Tower
04:28 Watch Tower
05:28 Orc Burrow
05:28 Orc Burrow
05:31 Orc Burrow
06:41 Fortress
07:19 Beastiary
07:22 Beastiary
09:43 Watch Tower
09:44 Watch Tower
09:44 Watch Tower
09:44 Watch Tower
13:40 Watch Tower
13:40 Watch Tower
13:41 Watch Tower
13:42 Watch Tower
13:43 Watch Tower
17:08 Watch Tower
17:08 Watch Tower
17:08 Watch Tower
17:09 Watch Tower
17:10 Watch Tower
17:10 Watch Tower
17:10 Watch Tower
21:31 Spirit Lodge
28:30 Orc Burrow
44:45 War Mill
44:48 War Mill
» items
Healing Salve2
Lesser Clarity Potion7
Staff of Teleportation3
Potion of Healing2
Orb of Lightning1
Boots of Speed1
Scroll of Healing1
Potion of Mana4
Scroll of Regeneration1
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability2
Scroll of Town Portal1
25 total
HumanFlamechampion (blue | 76 APM | 5170 actions | 67:55)
Hero icon 9 Blood Mage
Ability icon 3 Flame Strike
Ability icon 3 Siphon Mana
Ability icon 1 Summon Phoenix
Ability icon 2 Banish
Hero icon 2 Pit Lord
Ability icon 1 Rain of Fire
Ability icon 1 Cleaving Attack
Hero icon 2 Beastmaster
Ability icon 1 Summon Hawk
Ability icon 1 Summon Quilbeast

» actions
Assign group hotkey64
Basic commands257
Build / train284
ESC pressed2
Enter build submenu117
Enter hero's abilities submenu13
Give item / drop item20
Right click1910
Select / deselect890
Select group hotkey1261
Use ability352
5170 total
» units
Dragonhawk Rider6
Flying Machine2
Gryphon Rider3
63 total
» upgrades
Lumber Harvesting2
Sorceress Training2
Magic Sentry1
Animal War Training1
Storm Hammers1
Priest Training2
Flak Cannons1
Control Magic1
Flying Machine Bombs1
Fragmentation Shards1
Long Rifles1
34 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Arcane Vault1
Town Hall4
Lumber Mill1
Scout Tower72
Arcane Tower2
Guard Tower100
Gryphon Aviary8
Arcane Sanctum1
212 total
» build order
00:14 Altar of Kings
00:16 Barracks
00:18 Farm
00:58 Farm
01:36 Farm
02:23 Farm
03:26 Arcane Vault
04:01 Town Hall
04:31 Farm
05:20 Lumber Mill
05:37 Scout Tower
05:43 Scout Tower
05:44 Scout Tower
05:45 Scout Tower
06:07 Scout Tower
06:09 Arcane Tower
06:30 Keep
06:32 Guard Tower
06:32 Guard Tower
06:52 Guard Tower
06:53 Guard Tower
06:54 Arcane Tower
07:26 Blacksmith
07:30 Scout Tower
07:33 Scout Tower
07:41 Scout Tower
07:47 Scout Tower
07:51 Scout Tower
08:01 Guard Tower
08:02 Guard Tower
08:17 Guard Tower
08:18 Guard Tower
08:18 Guard Tower
08:40 Guard Tower
08:58 Scout Tower
09:02 Scout Tower
09:10 Castle
09:36 Guard Tower
09:37 Guard Tower
10:53 Town Hall
10:56 Scout Tower
10:58 Scout Tower
11:00 Scout Tower
11:01 Scout Tower
11:03 Scout Tower
11:07 Scout Tower
11:10 Scout Tower
11:11 Scout Tower
11:13 Scout Tower
11:15 Scout Tower
11:17 Scout Tower
11:19 Scout Tower
11:20 Scout Tower
11:28 Guard Tower
11:29 Guard Tower
11:29 Guard Tower
11:29 Guard Tower
11:33 Guard Tower
11:33 Guard Tower
11:51 Guard Tower
11:52 Guard Tower
11:57 Guard Tower
12:24 Gryphon Aviary
12:26 Gryphon Aviary
12:30 Guard Tower
12:51 Guard Tower
12:54 Guard Tower
12:56 Guard Tower
13:08 Gryphon Aviary
13:48 Arcane Sanctum
14:37 Scout Tower
14:38 Scout Tower
15:10 Guard Tower
15:10 Guard Tower
15:10 Guard Tower
15:14 Scout Tower
15:16 Scout Tower
15:19 Scout Tower
15:21 Scout Tower
15:43 Guard Tower
15:43 Guard Tower
15:43 Guard Tower
15:47 Scout Tower
15:49 Guard Tower
15:50 Guard Tower
15:50 Guard Tower
15:51 Guard Tower
15:59 Guard Tower
16:26 Guard Tower
16:28 Scout Tower
16:39 Scout Tower
16:40 Scout Tower
16:40 Scout Tower
17:07 Guard Tower
17:07 Guard Tower
17:10 Scout Tower
17:11 Scout Tower
17:13 Guard Tower
17:17 Guard Tower
17:28 Scout Tower
17:52 Guard Tower
17:59 Guard Tower
17:59 Guard Tower
18:03 Guard Tower
18:05 Guard Tower
18:36 Scout Tower
18:39 Scout Tower
18:41 Scout Tower
19:08 Guard Tower
19:45 Gryphon Aviary
19:49 Farm
20:04 Guard Tower
20:05 Guard Tower
21:04 Gryphon Aviary
21:07 Gryphon Aviary
21:11 Farm
21:15 Farm
21:23 Gryphon Aviary
21:47 Gryphon Aviary
22:56 Scout Tower
22:56 Scout Tower
22:57 Scout Tower
22:58 Scout Tower
22:59 Scout Tower
23:28 Guard Tower
23:28 Guard Tower
23:28 Guard Tower
23:29 Guard Tower
24:22 Farm
24:22 Farm
24:22 Farm
24:26 Workshop
24:28 Workshop
24:31 Workshop
24:34 Workshop
25:14 Workshop
25:50 Workshop
29:36 Scout Tower
31:57 Scout Tower
31:59 Scout Tower
32:00 Scout Tower
32:01 Scout Tower
32:03 Scout Tower
32:25 Town Hall
32:26 Guard Tower
32:26 Guard Tower
32:27 Guard Tower
32:27 Guard Tower
32:28 Guard Tower
32:32 Scout Tower
32:32 Scout Tower
32:33 Scout Tower
32:34 Guard Tower
32:39 Scout Tower
32:41 Scout Tower
32:44 Scout Tower
32:45 Scout Tower
32:47 Scout Tower
32:49 Scout Tower
32:55 Town Hall
33:00 Scout Tower
33:02 Scout Tower
33:02 Scout Tower
33:04 Scout Tower
33:06 Guard Tower
33:07 Guard Tower
33:07 Guard Tower
33:08 Guard Tower
33:08 Guard Tower
33:14 Scout Tower
33:30 Guard Tower
33:45 Guard Tower
33:50 Guard Tower
34:17 Guard Tower
34:17 Guard Tower
34:19 Guard Tower
34:27 Guard Tower
35:46 Scout Tower
35:46 Scout Tower
35:47 Scout Tower
35:48 Scout Tower
35:50 Scout Tower
36:13 Guard Tower
36:13 Guard Tower
36:18 Guard Tower
36:18 Guard Tower
36:19 Guard Tower
» items
Scroll of Regeneration13
Boots of Speed3
Periapt of Vitality6
Staff of Teleportation3
Potion of Invisibility4
Lesser Clarity Potion9
Potion of Healing7
Potion of Mana5
Scroll of Town Portal8
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability1
59 total

Chat log

(00:52 / All) LookingSoCrazy: HOW I FEELING
(00:55 / All) LookingSoCrazy: PRIDE IS TO BLAME
(01:31 / Allies) LookingSoCrazy: IF NOT RETURN I EXPAND THERE
(01:50 / Allies) DreadKnight187: all should expo
(01:53 / Allies) DreadKnight187: and towerin
(02:28 / Allies) GironEC: fucjk
(02:29 / Allies) GironEC: my bad
(02:45 / Allies) GironEC: fiends frosts

(04:04 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: i never get lucky exp tomes anymore
(04:11 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: praise be to yevon
(04:29 / All) DreadKnight187: lol
(04:32 / All) DreadKnight187: i just got one
(04:41 / Allies) GironEC: units?
(04:47 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: give to me?
(05:00 / All) DreadKnight187: address
(05:01 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: i give pics of my sister to u for it?
(05:12 / All) DreadKnight187: pics dont help
(05:22 / Allies) Lacey: units pink?
(05:32 / Allies) DreadKnight187: idk

(07:30 / All) LookingSoCrazy: keep chasing dummy

(08:38 / Allies) GironEC: counter
(08:53 / Allies) GironEC: hit
(09:24 / Allies) LookingSoCrazy: lumber
(09:55 / Allies) GironEC: web coming
(09:59 / Allies) LookingSoCrazy: come back
(10:30 / Allies) GironEC: grunts
(10:40 / Allies) LookingSoCrazy: web?
(10:43 / Allies) GironEC: fs
(10:52 / Allies) LookingSoCrazy: I had to bail
(11:22 / Allies) LookingSoCrazy: lumber
(12:06 / Allies) GironEC: ty
(12:12 / Allies) GironEC: finish him
(12:15 / All) LookingSoCrazy: yellow you suck lol
(12:17 / Allies) GironEC: coming red
(12:46 / All) LookingSoCrazy: yellow you good
(13:01 / All) LookingSoCrazy: never seen a right clicking bm before
(13:14 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: i right click 100%
(13:31 / Allies) GironEC: ty
(13:33 / All) LookingSoCrazy: wow two in one game wow
(13:36 / All) LookingSoCrazy: I've never
(13:39 / Allies) GironEC: need an expos

(14:42 / All) LookingSoCrazy: that was sauve tho
(14:47 / Allies) GironEC: red
(14:51 / Allies) GironEC: canyou tower up for me?
(14:55 / Allies) GironEC: with the spy?
(15:20 / Allies) LookingSoCrazy: lumber me
(16:17 / Allies) GironEC: yellow
(16:21 / Allies) LookingSoCrazy: lumber

(17:24 / All) LookingSoCrazy: the best part is yellow thinks he is good
(17:45 / Allies) LookingSoCrazy: WOOD
(18:18 / Allies) Lacey: wood?
(18:38 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: paranoid niggers in this game
(19:15 / Allies) GironEC: what a pain in the ass
(19:23 / Allies) GironEC: nice
(19:27 / Allies) GironEC: go there
(19:35 / All) Flamechampion: first time losing my hero doing that in about 15 games
(19:42 / All) GironEC: cool
(19:44 / All) Lacey: awe...
(19:50 / All) LookingSoCrazy: fuck
(19:57 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: i told u lots of towers
(19:57 / All) Flamechampion: about the 10th time in a row killing a haunted gold mine though
(20:01 / Allies) GironEC: come with me purpe
(20:14 / All) LookingSoCrazy: sdafklpjdsifop'
(20:25 / All) LookingSoCrazy: everyone has to have 50 fucking towers
(20:32 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: lolz i told u
(20:53 / Allies) Lacey: freeze the towers
(20:55 / All) LookingSoCrazy: market square is gay actually
(21:03 / All) LookingSoCrazy: at least this game
(21:15 / All) LookingSoCrazy: it's a chore just to navigate the map
(21:26 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: you are resourecful
(21:27 / Allies) GironEC: someone get pults
(21:27 / Allies) LookingSoCrazy: go back to yellows kill him
(21:40 / Allies) GironEC: im getting tired of this shit
(21:41 / Allies) GironEC: lets fo
(21:48 / Allies) GironEC: red an purp
(21:52 / Allies) LookingSoCrazy: klill himbefore he masses bats
(22:12 / Allies) GironEC: get hawks
(22:33 / All) LookingSoCrazy: damn yellow that must be micro intensive
(22:41 / All) LookingSoCrazy: c and w
(22:43 / All) Flamechampion: sick tp
(22:44 / All) LookingSoCrazy: and right click
(23:25 / All) Flamechampion: wtf, I made a knight?

(24:48 / All) Flamechampion: is getting a shade too hard?
(25:42 / Allies) GironEC: someoen get pults
(25:43 / Allies) GironEC: pzl
(25:56 / Allies) LookingSoCrazy: plop a ward in the middle purple
(25:58 / Allies) LookingSoCrazy: give control
(26:14 / Allies) LookingSoCrazy: plop a ward in the middle purple
(26:15 / Allies) GironEC: sacrifice grunts
(26:28 / All) LookingSoCrazy: dumbass purple you fucking retarded faggot
(26:36 / All) LookingSoCrazy: why even get witch doctors if you won't use wards
(26:39 / All) Flamechampion: he is pretty bad
(26:49 / All) LookingSoCrazy: 3 tyimes I tell him
(26:52 / All) LookingSoCrazy: PUT WARD IN THE MIDDLE
(26:56 / All) LookingSoCrazy: give control PUT WARD IN THE MIDDLE
(27:10 / All) Flamechampion: doubt he knows what a ward is
(27:15 / Allies) Lacey: no mana you fuck head
(27:22 / All) LookingSoCrazy: no mana lol
(27:23 / Allies) GironEC: b
(27:27 / All) LookingSoCrazy: THERE IS A MANA FOUNTAIN
(27:29 / All) LookingSoCrazy: YOU FUCKING RETARD
(27:36 / Allies) Lacey: really?
(27:40 / Allies) Lacey: wow...
(27:41 / All) LookingSoCrazy: YEAH SO DON'T SAY NO MANA DUMMY
(28:02 / Allies) Lacey: well I didn't have any mana at the time so fuck off
(28:08 / All) LookingSoCrazy: what's your IQ?
(28:14 / All) LookingSoCrazy: 80?
(28:15 / Allies) Lacey: better than yours
(28:17 / All) LookingSoCrazy: k
(28:20 / All) Flamechampion: that's generous
(28:45 / Allies) GironEC: ????
(28:45 / Allies) GironEC: red
(28:47 / Allies) GironEC: wtf?
(28:48 / Allies) LookingSoCrazy: Purple is going to die
(28:56 / Allies) LookingSoCrazy: retard can't put a ward in the middle
(29:06 / Allies) Lacey: I did use wards you fucktard
(29:10 / Allies) LookingSoCrazy: where fucker
(29:20 / Allies) DreadKnight187: enemy has wards too
(29:22 / Allies) Lacey: if you were there you would've seen
(29:25 / All) Flamechampion: lol!
(29:44 / Allies) GironEC: meet me at fountain
(29:46 / All) Flamechampion: all that for a gold mine with 960 gold left
(29:59 / Allies) LookingSoCrazy: see why you need wards yo ustupid bitch?
(30:20 / Allies) GironEC: come with me
(30:24 / All) LookingSoCrazy: this is why women should be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen
(30:25 / Allies) GironEC: pink
(30:25 / All) Lacey: wow red, you talk a lot of smack for a guy sitting with 14k gold and only 48/84 upkeep
(30:28 / All) LookingSoCrazy: they cah't od anything right
(30:30 / Allies) GironEC: i need your bats
(30:35 / All) LookingSoCrazy: men are awesome
(30:36 / All) LookingSoCrazy: THE BEST
(30:38 / Allies) GironEC: red
(30:41 / Allies) GironEC: come with me
(31:00 / Allies) GironEC: omw
(31:02 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: green and purple u 2 had balls hitting my base with all htose towers
(31:11 / All) LookingSoCrazy: thanks
(31:16 / All) LookingSoCrazy: for the healing ward
(31:19 / Allies) GironEC: stop
(31:25 / Allies) LookingSoCrazy: When purple leavs the gaem
(31:28 / Allies) GironEC: omw
(31:35 / Allies) LookingSoCrazy: Leave purple
(31:37 / Allies) GironEC: pink
(31:38 / Allies) GironEC: plz
(31:40 / Allies) GironEC: lets finish this shit
(31:42 / Allies) LookingSoCrazy: cunts aren't allowed on my battle net
(32:09 / Allies) GironEC: purple
(32:11 / Allies) GironEC: come with me
(32:47 / Allies) GironEC: GUYS
(32:48 / Allies) GironEC: COME ON
(32:52 / Allies) GironEC: I CAN FINISH THAT SHIT
(32:53 / Allies) GironEC: IN 2 MIN
(33:21 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: well all beee
(34:12 / Allies) GironEC: FUCKER
(34:12 / Allies) LookingSoCrazy: you can't get a shade green?
(34:19 / Allies) GironEC: not at all
(35:13 / Allies) GironEC: HELP
(35:21 / Allies) LookingSoCrazy: tp out
(35:23 / Allies) LookingSoCrazy: lol
(35:30 / Allies) DreadKnight187: wow
(35:31 / Allies) DreadKnight187: wtf
(35:36 / Allies) LookingSoCrazy: dumb motherfucker lol
(35:54 / Allies) GironEC: thanks a lot for the help
(36:13 / Allies) GironEC: FINISH THE FUCKING GAME
(36:14 / Allies) Lacey: red, why don't you share some gold with green so we can be done with the game
(36:24 / Allies) GironEC: WTF
(36:29 / Allies) LookingSoCrazy: Shut up if I wanted your opinion I would ask for it
(36:45 / Allies) GironEC: bm
(36:50 / All) Lacey: thanks for the loss red, you fucktard
(36:55 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: lolz
(37:01 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: have yo uguys not realized it yet
(37:10 / All) Flamechampion: How much gold do you guys have?
(37:11 / All) Flamechampion: I have 22k
(37:43 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: purple sh
(37:48 / Allies) DreadKnight187: we are losing
(37:58 / Allies) GironEC: red doenst wanna do shit
(38:12 / Allies) Lacey: because red is a fucktard
(38:12 / Allies) GironEC: stop
(38:18 / All) Flamechampion: nice expo
(38:26 / All) LookingSoCrazy: lol
(38:34 / All) LookingSoCrazy: good night sweet prince
(39:19 / All) Flamechampion: magic sentry retard
(40:04 / Allies) GironEC: thanks a lot red
(40:05 / Allies) GironEC: fuck off
(40:06 / All) LookingSoCrazy: wasn't me
(40:12 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: who was it lolz
(40:30 / Allies) GironEC: red
(40:31 / Allies) GironEC: plz
(40:34 / Allies) GironEC: end this fucking game
(40:48 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: why did you do that teal?
(41:23 / Allies) DreadKnight187: og
(41:24 / Allies) GironEC: omg
(41:25 / Allies) DreadKnight187: omg
(41:39 / Allies) GironEC: this will never end
(41:52 / Allies) Lacey: he doesn't want it to end...
(42:10 / Allies) DreadKnight187: comeon red
(42:12 / Allies) DreadKnight187: illget bats
(42:14 / Allies) DreadKnight187: we end this
(42:37 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: not meh!!!1
(42:48 / All) Flamechampion: nice mh
(42:51 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: who?
(42:52 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: pink?
(42:54 / All) Flamechampion: burrows as soon as I go there
(42:56 / All) Flamechampion: pink
(43:15 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: for a second i thought pink and yellow were friends
(43:54 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: how does green still have 8k in his natural base
(44:03 / All) Flamechampion: I killed his gold mine
(44:04 / All) Flamechampion: twice
(44:25 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: still this is an hour long game, it should be gone unless he didnt have 255 gold
(45:13 / All) Flamechampion: nice try
(45:17 / All) Flamechampion: this is why I scout bases
(45:37 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: who wants a poor man's dagger of escape
(45:42 / All) DreadKnight187: well red tked purp and green and wont shre gold
(45:46 / All) DreadKnight187: so u win
(45:47 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: pink
(45:48 / All) DreadKnight187: gg

(47:31 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: lolz
(47:55 / All) LookingSoCrazy: didn't have my arcane towers in a control group

(50:23 / All) Flamechampion: He taverned his BM back
(50:40 / All) LookingSoCrazy: how much gold does he have
(50:47 / All) Flamechampion: 4.6k
(51:01 / All) LookingSoCrazy: my god
(51:07 / All) LookingSoCrazy: this calls for a dramatic removal of glasses
(51:13 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: what?
(51:15 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: the towers?
(51:21 / All) LookingSoCrazy: Over your head buddy
(51:51 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: first time in a long time turncoat hasn't creeped the red creeps this far in the game

(53:54 / All) Flamechampion: gj staffing before he attacks, jake
(54:14 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: not really my fault he attacked the wrong hero
(55:03 / Allies) LookingSoCrazy: one green

(56:13 / Allies) LookingSoCrazy: I didn't want to use that hero anyway you silly

(57:30 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: shops lolz

(61:05 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: dead
(61:26 / All) Flamechampion: I got his last peon
(61:32 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: purple u here buddy
(61:39 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: standoff?
(61:46 / All) LookingSoCrazy: Not sure if purple would stay
(61:59 / All) Lacey: just wishing someone would kill red
(62:02 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: standoff last night only lasted an hour
(62:07 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: purple i have a question are u here
(62:18 / All) LookingSoCrazy: Why do you wish harm on me?
(62:29 / All) LookingSoCrazy: What have I ever done to you?
(62:39 / All) Lacey: what oj?
(62:55 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: Well, me blue and red are friends, we're gonna give you and yellow equal chance at victory
(63:05 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: will you be willing to leave your computer on all night?
(63:29 / All) Lacey: so thats why he tked me...nice
(63:39 / All) LookingSoCrazy: I tked you early
(63:41 / All) LookingSoCrazy: because you are shit
(63:43 / All) LookingSoCrazy: GARBAGE
(63:47 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: yellow afint afk lolz, he is trying to rez teals hero
(63:53 / All) LookingSoCrazy: You're a dumb motherfucker that makes excuses
(64:12 / All) LookingSoCrazy: "can't plop a 50 mana ward down because I don't have no mana despite there being mana fountain in the middle!"
(64:25 / All) LookingSoCrazy: *huddles around mana fountain never plops down a ward*
(64:29 / All) LookingSoCrazy: you deserve death
(64:56 / All) LookingSoCrazy: Video games were made by men for men
(65:03 / All) Lacey: you deserve a stick up your ass
(65:06 / All) LookingSoCrazy: except for games made by women
(65:08 / All) LookingSoCrazy: but WARCRAFT
(65:10 / All) LookingSoCrazy: is for men
(65:12 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: purple aint gonna stay
(65:14 / All) LookingSoCrazy: games made for women*
(65:25 / All) LookingSoCrazy: sorry
(65:27 / All) LookingSoCrazy: EXIT ONLY

(67:03 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: so purple u gonna answer my question
(67:24 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: there will be no units left on neither side once we 3 leave the game, so you'll have to wait until yellow leaves to get the win
(67:51 / All) Flamechampion: LET IT BEGIN, LET IT BEGIN!
(67:54 / All) Flamechampion: GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!
(68:19 / All) BLACK_QBS_SUCK: im gonna watch tv
(69:13 / All) LookingSoCrazy: Perfect :)
(69:24 / All) LookingSoCrazy: No victory for you today faggot

(70:31 / All) LookingSoCrazy: It's a good thing women don't have the drive and will for victory
(70:35 / All) LookingSoCrazy: that men possess

(71:45 / All) LookingSoCrazy: MEN #1

(73:28 / All) LookingSoCrazy: DON'T EVEN NEED TO BUY A NEW DRESS
(74:13 / All) LookingSoCrazy: 23-12
(74:20 / All) LookingSoCrazy: OH OHHH

(78:55 / All) LookingSoCrazy: Welp, auf wiedersehen.